We will use MVC pattern with following structure.


Default export

We want to export just one thing, we dont specify any variable.

export default 'I am an exported string.'

//str is name which we will use in index.js
import str from './models/Search';

Named export

We want to export multiple things, we need to specify any variables.

export const add = (a, b) => a + b;
export const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;
export const ID = 23;

import {add, multiply} from './models/Search';
console.log(`Using imported functions. ${add(ID,2)} and ${multiply(3, 5)}`);

We can use different names for our functions.

import {add as a, multiply as m} from './models/Search';
console.log(`Using imported functions. ${a(ID,2)} and ${m(3, 5)}`);

We can import also everything.

import * as searchModel from './models/Search';
console.log(`Using imported functions. ${searchModel.add(searchModel.ID,2)} and ${searchModel.m(3, 5)}`);