Dont inherit from luma, it isnt working properly. Inherit from blank !

Theme structure

Customgateway = vendor name
entertainer = theme name


Overriding Magento template files

example - you want to change htdocs/vendor/magento/module-theme/view/frontend/templates/html/header.phtml (this can you see in template hints)

copy file

Css change - manually

  1. update css file under app/design…
  2. delete css file under pub/static…
    rm -rf pub/static/frontend/Customgateway/entertainer/en_GB/css/local-l.css
  3. deploy static content only for that theme, exclude unnecessary folders
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB --theme Customgateway/entertainer --no-html --no-fonts --no-images --no-less --no-javascript --no-html-minify

Css change - automatically

use grunt for copying files