Redux: What is Redux ?
What is Redux ?
- state management library
- makes creating complex applications easier
- not required to create a React app
- not explicitly designed to work with React
- A predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Redux helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test
Redux Cycle
- Action Creator
- Action
- dispatch
- Reducers
- State
We will do an example, a model of insurance company.
- policy - customer holds a policy, if bad stuff happends to them then we pay them
- claim - customer had something bad happen to them, we need to pay them
Customer will bring to our company new Form
. There is Form receiver
, which will pass the form to correct department Claims History
, Policies
or Accounting
Each ‘Form’ is an object, which has Type
and Payload
- type - name,
- payload - contains name of customer and value
We will have 3 types of form - Create Policy
- Create Claim
- Delete Policy
So when we put this to redux
cycle, it will look like this:
- Action Creator = Person dropping off the form
- Action = the form
- dispatch = form receiver
- Reducers = Departments
- State = Compiled department data
Following code can be tested
//people dropping off a form (Action Creators)
const createPolicy = (name, amount) => {
return { //Action (a form in our analogy)
payload: {
name: name,
amount: amount
const deletePolicy = (name) => {
return { //Action (a form in our analogy)
payload: {
name: name
const createClaim = (name, amountOfMoneyToCollect) => {
return { //Action (a form in our analogy)
payload: {
name: name,
amountOfMoneyToCollect: amountOfMoneyToCollect
//Reducers (Departments)
const claimsHistory = (oldListOfClaims = [], action) => {
if (action.type === 'CREATE_CLAIM') {
//we care about the action (form)
//in reducers we are always returning new array, so we are not using push
return [...oldListOfClaims, action.payload];
//we dont care about the action (form)
return oldListOfClaims;
//lets image we have money of value 100 in the beginning of our company
const accounting = (bagoOfMoney = 100, action) => {
if (action.type === 'CREATE_CLAIM') {
return bagoOfMoney - action.payload.amountOfMoneyToCollect;
} else if (action.type === 'CREATE_POLICY') {
return bagoOfMoney + action.payload.amountOfMoneyToCollect;
return bagoOfMoney;
const policies = (listOfPolicies = [], action) => {
if (action.type === 'CREATE_POLICY') {
return [...listOfPolicies,];
} else if (action.type === 'DELETE_POLICY') {
return listOfPolicies.filter(name => name !==;
return listOfPolicies;
const { createStore, combineReducers } = Redux;
const ourDepartments = combineReducers({
accounting: accounting,
claimsHistory: claimsHistory,
policies: policies
const store = createStore(ourDepartments);
store.dispatch(createPolicy('Alex', 20));
store.dispatch(createPolicy('Jim', 40));
store.dispatch(createPolicy('Bob', 20));
store.dispatch(createClaim('Alex', 120));